April 4

Easter weekend.

My campers had shrimp and rice, bread pudding, salad , with coffee and punch.  Our grocery bags lacked fresh food this week. Just cans of soda water and commercially made coleslaw and bread. I never know what I’ll have each week. When the weather is really bad, there at the mouth of the Columbia Gorge, where these folks camp, their weather is always the most severe, they may not be able to get out for several days. I’ve been told without the groceries we deliver they would not have eaten at all on those days.

I don’t know what you believe about the worth of a human being.

Jesus taught that human worth is based on the worth of the creator. Jesus supported the idea that man was created in the image of God.  

Most of us try to be 10s, by which I mean we all want to do life right. If we can “measure up” maybe we’ll be accepted. But unfortunately, even the best of us, falls short, (Jesus excepted in my opinion.) Every other man/woman I can think of has flaws.

But the real question is, what gives us value? Being a “10”, or perfect? Or, just being?

If it’s being a 10, measuring up, always doing and saying and thinking the right thing, then I say we are all worthless. We should give up, destroy ourselves.

But if we are valuable, though flawed, then where is the cut off? Where do we say, yeah, I’m flawed, but I’m still worthy, it’s you that is unworthy. It doesn’t really work does it? No, we’re either all worthy or none of us. None of us measure up, all of us fall short and therefore it’s either all are valuable, or all are worthless.

I don’t think you measure up to a ten. Not by a long shot. You’re not a zero though.

You’re valuable, not because of what you’ve done, who you know, or who knows you. You’re valuable because God made you. God looks at you and thinks, I love what I’ve created.  He loves the lowest and the highest, the talented and the meanest.

However, according to the scriptures, He requires more of those who have been given more. You have been given more. Luke 12:48 “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.”



April 6


March 24